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There's normally plenty of fancy words on photography web sites that try to cover up the fact that they are charging a fortune, you won't get any of that here. This is a sideline for me, this is not my main job, if you want me to take some pics for you, whether you fancy some scoot and rider portraits, or if want some pictures for a modeling port folio, a band wanting some publicity shots, or perhaps a cricket club wanting a match covered for a special occasion, give me a shout, I only charge for my time, plus any printing and framing of course, and you can have finished edited pictures on a disc or printed and or framed etc, look forward to hearing from you, you can also find me on Facebook, just search for 'Ommot Imagery' cheers,


Ommot Imagery

Photography, specialising in scooter, portrait and informal events. Items for sale at
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